Best waffel in Budapest (chocolate pudding) at Jégbüfé… When in Budapest, don’t miss it!
There were lots of crumbs this past weekend. I think the pictures will speak instead of me… Summer is here, I love it!
…vegetarian steam buns at Momotaro Ramen. Best ramen place in Budapest!
The weather was sunny and warm all weekend…
Vegan raspberry yoghurt with oatmeal (recipe coming soon)…
Still life at the organic market on Saturday moring…
Bagatellini, a new bakery that was launched in February…
Sunday breakfast: vegan hazelnut vanilla pancake with rhubarb compote… scrumptious!
Cafe Gerbeaud, the famous patisserie and cafe in Budapest…
Chocolate manufactury at Szamos Gourmet House…
This is a life-size marzipan girl, who is the replica of a woman figure in a well-known picture titled “The girl with chocolate” painted by a Dutch painter from the 18th century. The sculpture of the girl with chocolate was made from 70 kg marzipan, during approximately 800 working hours, and she watches Arthur’s activity from a glass cabinet.
Cooling cider in the hot weather…
Friends from Canada… my goddaughter and her little brother 🙂