Vegan Avocado Chocolate Cake
– 375 g teljeskiörlésű tönkölyliszt és tönköly fehérliszt vegyesen (mindegy melyikből mennyit használunk)
– 1 db közepes avokádó, érett, magja eltávolítva, belseje kikanalazva
– 6 evőkanál kakaópor, átszitálva
– 2 teáskanál sütőpor
– 2 teáskanál szódabikarbóna
– 1/2 teáskanál só
– 180-200 g nádcukor (attól függően mennyire vagy édesszájú)
– 1 evőkanál almaecet
– 1/4 bögre napraforgó olaj
– 3-4 dl víz
– 1 vaníliarúd kikapart magjai
– kevés kókuszzsír a forma kikenéséhez
Hozzávalók a krémhez:
– 2 db közepes avokádó, érett, magja eltávolítva, belseje kikanalazva
– 4-6 evőkanál nád porcukor
– 2 evőkanál frissen facsart citrom leve
– 1 vaníliarúd kikapart magjai
Christmas Cookie Swap Party
The idea of Xmas Cookie Swap Party is fantastic. I took part in one last Friday. With relatively little work and preparation, you can get your friends, family together for a fun fete which will leave all of you with enough baked treats to supply the rest of your holiday festivities and gifting.
It’s a great idea because you can save time and money, you can meet new fellow food bloggers, you can have so many cookies before Xmas! 🙂 On my photo you can see the cookies (not all) I got: walnut cookies, chocolate-lemon-ginger cookies, dried cranberries-chocolate-nut cantuccinies, dreid apricot-almond cookies, almond-chocolate cookies and dreid cherry-ginger cookies.
The only problem is… I do not know if the cookies will last until Christmas… 🙂
Quick Chocolate Croissant
Butternut Squash-Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
I love butternut squash, one of my favourite winter fruits. I like trying out new recipes with it. This is one of them…
– half of a smaller butternut squash, without seeds, roasted, peeled and mashed
– 80 g butter
– 1/4 cup cane sugar
– 1/4 cup oatmeal
– 1 cup white spelt flour
– 1/4 cup whole grain spelt flour
– 1 organic egg
– 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
– 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
– 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
– 1/4 teaspoon salt
– 1 vanilla bean, split and seeded
– 1 handful of chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 180C (350F). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, set aside. Beat the butter (with hand beater or an electric mixer) until creamy. Add sugar and stir/mix another 2 minutes. Add pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, baking soda, egg and mix until everything combined. Add flours, followed by the oats and choc chips. Mix again until just combined. Drop dough by tablespoons onto the baking sheets. Bake for 15 minutes until golden brown around the edges and puffed in the center.