I start a new series with the title of Weekend Crumbs here on the blog. I will share my Instagram photos (mostly food related of course :)) that are taken during weekends. Hope you like it!
Mr. Teddy at Keserédes artisan chocolate shop
Kitchen I dream about… (Villa-Bagatelle, Brót Bakery)
My favorite: pistachio roll at Brót Bakery
Saturday lunch: so delicious kale and mushroom lasagne from the book Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall: River Cottage – Veg Every Day! I will share the recipe soon on my blog.
Saturday late night baking: banana chocolate cupcake. Creamy, fluffy, yum!
Freshly pressed carrot-ginger juice for breakfast…
Let’s dip in: homemade hummus and garlic blue cheese dips with vegetables
Sunday evening: vegan hot chocolate and magazines to read at Ecocafe…